Digital Support Specialist – Providing streamlined support to raise the visibility and efficiency of your business. This includes brand/logo/graphic design, email newsletter, content update for your web or blog site, zoom/webinar assistance. This allows you to focus on what you do best— grow your business, increase your profit, and support your clients. All this while creating balance in your lifestyle.
My role is to handle the backend details – the things you don’t want to do, can’t do, or have time to do – so that you can get back to doing what you do best. In essence, I assist you with taking back your time to create balance in your lifestyle and growing your business.
- logo and graphic design
- website graphics
- social media graphics
- business card
- logo design includes:
- a logo in 4 formats: pdf, eps, png, and jpeg, and 3 color conversions: color, grayscale, and black & white/duotone
- branding design
- includes everything for a logo design plus a full spectrum of branding for your company: colors, fonts, and acceptable layouts/formats for print and online media
- illustration
- photo editing
- hand-drawn design
- email newsletter
- zoom and webinar assistance
- maintenance and content update:
- website
- blog
- powerpoint and spreadsheet
- ebook
- document creation
- document conversion
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