Freedom Is About Your Lifestyle

Starts now

If you’re anything like me, you started your own business because you wanted more freedom. Freedom to make your own schedule, do things your way, and make a living doing the thing you are passionate about and God called you to do.

But sometimes, getting to do what you love means having to do the behind-the-scenes technical and graphic design tasks you don’t love so much, from setting up email newsletters to designing marketing materials. Lucky for you, as a lifelong creative and tech-based virtual assistant, I enjoy doing all of those things. And it just so happens I’m really, really good at them too.

You’ve got the “Expert At What You Do” part covered. 

Let me help you do the things you don’t know how to do, don’t have time to do, or just plain don’t want to do.

My superpowers: Calm, Creativity & Reliability

Hi, I’m Arlene, your Graphic Designer and certified Virtual Technical Assistant. I work with solo professionals and small businesses. I specialize in helping to alleviate the anxiety and frustration they feel creating email newsletters, graphic & brand design, and research, & content management.

When you work independently, it’s all up to you to get things done and that’s where I come in. My role is to handle all the details and minutiae – the things you don’t want to do, can’t do, or have the time to do. Helping to free up your time allows you to get back to enjoying doing the things you enjoy doing the most.

I help my clients by alleviating their stress, anxiety, and fraustration about completing routine tasks. It gives them peace of mind knowing that things are being taken care of, flexibility to focus on their expertise, and the freedom to take time for themselves, all while getting back their joy in doing business.