Before deciding to prep a turkey in a new way, I hesitated, thinking about all the potential mess, hazards, and mistakes. The idea of trying something unfamiliar felt daunting, much like diving into a new tech tool or system.
In that moment, I realized there are two things that may dissapoint me and keep me from moving forward:
- If it doesn’t work the way they say it should work, or
- I can’t get it to work the way I think it should work.
As I was getting ready to prep this turkey, two other thoughts came to mind (I wanted to butterfly this turkey based on instructions from Organic Valley):
- This could be really, really hard, and
- What if I cut myself or worse, lose a finger using my trusty tool? 😬
I will gladly say neither of those things happened. Why? Because I decided in that moment that if what I was going to do did not work the way they said it would or I think it should, I would just move on and cook a butchered-up turkey. 😅 As long as it was fully cooked and taste great that was all that mattered.
So it is with our business. We may have to reprogram our mindset to accept that something may not work and have the courage to move on to the next thing that may get us closer to our goals.
- The Right Tools Make the Job Easier. We can’t forget the trusty tool. They recommended kitchen shears or a butcher knife, and I had neither of those. What I do have is a ‘cleaver’ and it wasn’t instilling any confidence in me. But, choosing that tool made a world of difference, after I considered using a serrated knife…🙄 The same goes for tackling tech without the right software—get the right tools, save your sanity.
- Streamlining is a Big Thing. Butterflying a turkey trims the cooking time in half, just like automating some of your emails slashes hours off your workday. Why work longer when you can work smarter? A streamlined tech system that saves you time every day? Even better!
- The Results are Worth It. So, with my trusty tool in hand, I ripped through the backbone of that 12 1/2 lbs. turkey with ease (mostly) because of the ‘good ‘ole mindset change. There was a 10-15-second struggle where I had to apply a lot of elbow grease to cut through a part of the bone and crack the breast, but for the most part, it really was a piece of cake. A beautiful and evenly cooked turkey that was worth the effort.
Streamlining your system, automating emails, and utilizing branded templates is worth it because it will save time and effort in the long run. A streamlined and productive business running as beautifully as it looks.
So, how do you handle your mindset when you are attempting a challenge that you’re facing for the first time? 😎
Hit reply and share your story. And yes, it was my first time butterflying poultry!
Things I Enjoy: Grapenut Ice Cream!

My favorite desserts are cheesecake, apple crisp, and ice cream. My favorite ice cream is rum raisin. Yes, I know, most of you are thinking or saying, “What?? Is that a thing?” My answer is yes, it is a thing. There was a Jamaican store in Winchester that carried it, but that store closed, and rum raisin ice cream is no more 😥
Runner up, grapenut! 😋 Yes, that’s a thing too. The only place that I know that carries it is Marker-Miller Orchards Farm Market.
Recently when I was there, another shopper asked me about it. I told her it was great and said, “You should try it.” She said she has family members who are allergic to nuts. I chuckled, she smiled and said, ”What?” to which I said there aren’t any grapes or nuts in this ice cream.
You could see the surprise on the two cashiers and this lady’s face.
Lady: …then what is it?
Me: …it is similar to the crumbled stuff on apple crisp without the oatmeal. There’s a Grape-nuts cereal that’s made by Post, it’s basically the same thing.
Lady: …imagine that…
Considering how much I love my health food, I sometimes wonder how and why I like this ice cream so much! 🤩
What’s your favorite dessert, and can you find it anywhere, hunt it down, or do you make it yourself? 👏🏽