Your Personal Branding Assistant
Have you ever felt overwhelmed or frustrated trying to get your brand design on cue and getting nowhere? Do you sometimes wish there were two of ‘you’ – one doing all the things you enjoy doing, growing your business, supporting your clients and one to take care of all the other things you don’t have time to do or can’t do?
You can take a step back, I’m here to eliminate that feeling, allowing you to take back your time to grow and scale your business and not think about the chaos that’s happening with those other things.
Your branding designer can help you:
– Create eye-catching and appealing logo
– Provide three color conversion black and white/duotone, color, and grayscale
– Image conversions in png, jpeg, pdf, and eps formats for print and online media
– Help you select the fonts that appeal to you and your audience
– Manage your graphics and keep them up-to-date

Ready to leave anxiety, frustration, and overwhelm behind? Don’t hesitate to schedule your Free 30 minutes, no obligation consult now! The freedom to do what you love while you go from unseen to unforgettable is just one click away. I’m the wind beneath your wings to help you soar with authenticity.
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