Set and Maintain Boundaries II

As a graphic designer and virtual technical assistant I’m dedicated to supporting small business owners and solo professionals. I’ve seen firsthand how setting and enforcing boundaries can make a world of difference in productivity and overall well-being.
While working on a personal project I unintentionally responded to a social media message during my off-time. That created a back-and-forth conversation that went on longer than it should have 🙄. Something similar happened with email. Sometimes we cross the line and it gives others the permission to cross the line with us. It can be something as simple as responding to text or social media comment/message during off-hours or on the weekend (if you do not normally work on the weekend).

Some additional tips on why boundaries matter and how to maintain them effectively:

  1. Protect Your Time and Energy: It always starts with our personal boundaries and how to assure you don’t get sidetracked. Fully disconnect from anything that could potentially lure you into doing something you did not intend. Adhering to your specific working hours sets the stage for your clients and colleagues. It’s important to say no to things that do not align with your priorities. 👏🏽
  2. Establish Clear Communication Channels: You can define preferred methods of communication (email, phone, etc.) and set expectations for response times – two hours, 24 hours, etc. Preferred methods of communications can be defined between you and your client. Encourage clients to respect designated methods and communication hours.
  3. Delegate and Outsource: Identify tasks that can be delegated or outsourced to professionals like Morgan Creative Services 😉. Freeing up your time to perform primary tasks, will allow you to focus on what truly drives your business forward.
  4. Schedule Breaks and Downtime: Breaks, downtime, and vacations should be an essential part of managing your business. Use this time to recharge and avoid burnout. This can potentially ensure sustained productivity and creativity.
  5. Make sure to Review and Adjust Regularly: Periodically review your boundaries to ensure they remain effective. Life and business circumstances are constantly changing, and your boundaries should adapt accordingly. 👍🏽

At Morgan Creative Services, we not only advocate for boundaries, we also practice what we preach. We respect your time, and pride ourselves on quality deliverables.

Take a minute to assess your current boundaries and implement these steps to strengthen them. Let’s work together to elevate your business while maintaining a healthy work-life balance. It sets the stage for success together! 🌟

Things I Enjoy Doing: My Daily Devotional

youversion logo with our daily bread devotional

I cannot remember the last time I got up in the morning and start my day without my morning devotion. Well, sometimes I brush my teeth and wash my face first, so yes, it’s literally the first thing I do when I get up. 

It usually happens when the outside world around me is quiet so even after I’m done reading or conversing with God, I’m still relaxed and I’m still in that peaceful mode. I feel a certain comfort and contentment – I’m calm and my mind is clear. Yes, at times, there will be something that I may feel some anxiety or be concerned about. The difference is, now, I’m learning to not dwell on those things. I’m not caught up in it the way I used to be. 

When I first started doing my daily devotional I was not consistent and I would give God the problem and a half hour later take it all back. What? 🙄 The first thing I would do on those days is start thinking about all the things I have to do, things I can’t do or, can’t do anything about.

Now I mostly, “do not worry” and take action when I’m prompted or inspired about something instead of trying to find a reason or excuse as to why it may not work. Can you say self-sabotage 🤦🏽‍♀️!?! How do you start your day in the mornings to keep you sane all day?