Being Your Own Boss II

Best Boss II

Being your own boss can feel daunting and overwhelming. You are wearing many hats, including some you may not want to wear. However, making your schedule, planning your day-to-day your way, working with clients who you work well with, and the flexibility of it all are worth it. 🙂
One of the reasons you decided to open the door to your solopreneur business is that it allowed you to do things your way. With all the resources and networking available, it can feel like everything and everyone is coming at you all at once. All the voices, both inside and outside of your head, are chanting all the things you need or must do to make your business flourish.🙄
Some people land on their feet running. The thing is, I’ve learned that everyone will tell you what works or worked for them and even suggest that it will work for you. They’re not wrong, but they’re not right either. How so, you ask? It’s simple – what works or worked for someone else will not work for everyoneThe goal is to find what works for you and go with it, at some point, that may even change. You may need to mix and match or even come up with your own amazing idea or way of doing things. As long as you are open to trying something different, you’ll be ok.
A few things to consider:

  • Be open to change – change is not a bad thing. It is an opportunity to expand from where you are. To explore or go beyond what you imagined.

  • Be willing to try something different – trying something different gives you an opportunity to see what will or will not work and where you can do better. 👍🏽

  • Be willing to consider doing something differently – you may be doing something that should be working but it’s not working. Take a step back and consider adjusting the way you are doing things. The result could be the key to your efforts paying off.

  • Reach out to someone you trust to give you a different or new perspective – you think you can, but you can’t do it alone – I don’t need to say more on that. 😁

Going it alone was something I had to unlearn, and the more I reach out, the easier it gets and the less anxiety I feel doing that. Of course, sometimes that is easier said than done, but as the boss, you have the unique opportunity to change directions as needed and re-prioritize things in a way that will allow you to accomplish your goals.
Being your own boss gives you options, including doing what you love to do while helping others. You can focus on what you excel at and find a balance between what you know and don’t know. With that kind of flexibility, you can move forward with getting things done while truly ENJOYING doing what you love to do. 😊 After all, you are your own best boss, right!?!

Things I Can’t Live Without: Apple Focus App

Yes, I could probably live without it, but since I have it… I have five settings: Drive, Sleep, Work, Personal, and Do not Disturb. The first three are what I use daily, and the last two as needed. 💃🏽 You can add more using the “+” at the top right.

For Driving, it switches all devices in the car to Drive mode once I switch the gear to drive. If a passenger has an Apple product, it will not affect their device unless they have a similar setting. Similarly, if I’m the passenger. For Sleep, all electronics go in dark mode with a 15-minute wind-down time at 9:45 pm during the week and 10:45 pm on the weekends. Not a sound, not a peep or tweet – just crickets, no, wait, not even crickets. 🤣

For Work, it’s based on my calendar, Adobe and MS Office applications.  If I’m in the Zoom app all notifications are silenced, yay! 👏🏽 You can set it to accept specific contacts, but everyone else are sent to the notification center. I will still get a notification on my laptop based on what’s on my calendar or any time-sensitive reminders. Once the Zoom call has ended and I exit, it automatically switches back to normal. I don’t know about you, but I think that’s pretty cool. 😎 What awesome apps are you using to help keep you Focused?